可再生柴油, 或HVO(加氢处理植物油), offers significant improvements over traditional 生物柴油. 市场上“最环保”的柴油, it is odorless and colorless and delivers impressive performance benefits. 由植物油加氢加工而成, 脂肪和废食用油, along with other biomass feedstock like garbage, 木材和农业废弃物, renewable diesel must meet the same ASTM standards as its petroleum-based counterpart. It can be used as a diesel substitute (up to 100%, 没有混合壁限制),没有修改车辆燃料系统或加油站设备. It is also stable in long-term storage and does not block fuel filters. Other benefits include: enhanced vehicle performance, a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, 改善里程, reduced maintenance demands and superior performance in cold weather.