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Nowhere, perhaps, 与替代燃料的开发和改进相比,脱碳之旅是否经历了更大的地震变化. While users have traditionally been relegated to few options other than diesel, 生物柴油和天然气, progress is being made on several fronts to expand those choices dramatically. 

多年来, 全国最大的彩票平台 has been closely monitoring developments in the field of alternative fuels, recognizing it as the “new normal” it is sure to become. 为此目的, 我们召集了一个高技能的, 消息灵通的团队,帮助我们的客户了解什么将-和不会-满足他们的需求,今天和前进. Many innovative solutions will require time to mature, 发展配套的基础设施, 获得广泛认可, etc. 当前的, 随时可用的选项, however, 对于任何寻求解决脱碳问题的前瞻性公司来说,这是否能成为一个理想的起点. 

The road less travelled is soon to get very crowded. Let 全国最大的彩票平台 help you consider the alternatives.

生物柴油, 由大豆制成, canola, 植物油或动物脂肪, is the most common and best-known alternative diesel fuel. 当用作柴油的替代品时, 生物柴油可以提供可观的温室气体(GHG)排放效益并减少发动机部件磨损.

可再生柴油, 或HVO(加氢处理植物油), offers significant improvements over traditional 生物柴油. 市场上“最环保”的柴油, it is odorless and colorless and delivers impressive performance benefits. 由植物油加氢加工而成, 脂肪和废食用油, along with other biomass feedstock like garbage, 木材和农业废弃物, renewable diesel must meet the same ASTM standards as its petroleum-based counterpart. It can be used as a diesel substitute (up to 100%, 没有混合壁限制),没有修改车辆燃料系统或加油站设备. It is also stable in long-term storage and does not block fuel filters. Other benefits include: enhanced vehicle performance, a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, 改善里程, reduced maintenance demands and superior performance in cold weather. 

One of the most abundant resources on the planet, 氢燃烧时零碳排放, 并且可以由绿色能源生产. Although the market for hydrogen as a transportation fuel is in its infancy, government and industry are working toward clean, 经济, and safe hydrogen production and 分布. The prospect for hydrogen use as an alt fuel is promising, 一方面是因为内燃机可以改装成氢燃料发动机,另一方面是因为氢燃料发动机的主要废物是水蒸气, 不是二氧化碳. Also, 不像汽油, hydrogen burns well in “fuel-lean conditions,“其中氧气远远多于燃料,这提高了燃油效率,同时大大减少了氮氧化物的排放. 


根据生命周期分析,替代燃料或清洁燃料产生的温室气体排放量比传统的石油燃料低得多. Life cycle analysis is used to assess the environmental impacts of all stages of a product's life, 包括原料提取, 处理, 制造业, 分布, use, 处理或回收. 当比较燃料时, a life cycle analysis may focus on particular portions of a fuel's life cycle, 比如从提取到使用, 也被称为从油井到车轮, to determine the merits or problems associated with each fuel.

在加拿大这里, the motivation is compliance with the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act, 将加拿大政府到2050年实现温室气体净零排放的承诺写入立法,并为实现这一目标提供问责制和透明度框架. 它的主要观点包括建立一个具有法律约束力的程序,以设定五年的国家减排目标,并制定可信的目标, science-based emissions-reduction plans to achieve each target. 除了, 它将2030年的温室气体排放目标作为加拿大在《全国最大的彩票平台》下的国家自主贡献(NDC),到2030年在2005年的基础上减排40- 45%. The Act also establishes a requirement to set national emissions reduction targets for 2035, 2040, 和2045年, 提前十年. Each target will require credible, science-based emissions reduction plans to achieve it. 

There are a number of varied alternative fuels including:
  • 纤维素乙醇
  • 生物柴油
  • 可再生柴油
  • 可持续航空燃料
  • 可再生天然气
  • 可再生丙烷

生物柴油是由植物油等可再生材料制成的柴油发动机中使用的柴油燃料替代品, 废食用油, 动物脂肪, 鱼油, 海藻油, 并且可能来自纤维素原料.

重点:生物柴油已经在传统柴油动力汽车中找到了自己的位置,通常可以以高达20%的浓度混合. 美国环保署表示,与传统的石油基柴油相比,生物柴油排放的一氧化碳含量可降低11%,颗粒物含量可降低10%.

可再生柴油, is also known as HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oil), or HDRD (hydrogenation derived renewable diesel) and is certified to EN15940. 可再生柴油的处理与传统柴油相同,因为可再生柴油是一种一次性燃料, it meets ASTM D975 specification for petroleum diesel, 并且可以无缝地混合, 运输, 甚至与石油柴油共同加工.

Point of Interest: Commonly produced from vegetable oil, 废食用油, 动物脂肪, 鱼油, 不可食用的玉米油, 海藻油, 它可以减少高达75%的温室气体排放,同时提供的能量密度约为标准柴油的96%. 

不,他们不是. 可再生柴油, 以前被称为绿色柴油, is a hydrocarbon produced most often by hydrotreating but also via gasification, 热解, and other biochemical and thermochemical technologies. It meets ASTM D975 specification for petroleum diesel. 生物柴油, as mentioned, is a diesel fuel substitute made from renewable materials. It meets ASTM D6751 and is approved for blending with petroleum diesel.

Yes. 而生物柴油, 如果混合超过5%, may require modifications to vehicle fuel systems and fuel station equipment, 可再生柴油不需要. 除了, renewable diesel can be either fully substituted for diesel or blended in any amount (生物柴油  is not recommended for blending above 5%); and it is stable in long-term storage, 不会吸收大量的水分,也不会导致燃料过滤器堵塞——生物柴油的所有缺点.

While not as beneficial in achieving Net-Zero goals, 生物柴油, 它的一氧化碳排放量比传统柴油低11%,颗粒物排放量比传统柴油低10%, is still a great first step in reducing one’s carbon footprint. 生物柴油也已经广泛使用,目前在大多数地区正在与传统柴油混合使用. Because it also offers better lubrication properties than Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel, 与以石油为基础的柴油相比,它可以延长发动机寿命,并在燃烧过程中减少高达85%的致癌物含量.

氢(H2) is an alternative fuel that can be produced from varied domestic resources. Although the market for hydrogen as a transportation fuel is in its infancy, government and industry are working toward clean, 经济, 以及广泛用于燃料电池电动汽车(fcev)的安全制氢和分配。. 

重点:轻型氢燃料电池汽车已经在国内和国外的局部地区以有限的数量提供给消费者市场. 公共汽车市场也在发展, material handling equipment (such as forklifts), 地面支援设备, 中型和重型卡车, 和海上船只. 

它是由纤维素(植物的粘稠纤维)而不是从植物的种子或果实中产生的乙醇(乙醇). It can be produced from grasses, wood, algae, or other plants. 纤维素乙醇比玉米乙醇含有更多的净能量,排放的温室气体也少得多. Ethanol is a fuel that is being blended with gasoline today. A popular use case for this type of fuel is in high-performance vehicles.

重点:与玉米乙醇相比,纤维素乙醇含有更多的净能量,并排放更少的温室气体. And, 一旦它的基础设施到位, cellulosic ethanol will work for any flex-fuel vehicle capable of running on E85.

SAF是一种来自可再生资源的燃料,与传统燃料相比,可以减少净生命周期二氧化碳排放量. When SAF is blended with conventional jet fuel, 符合ASTM D1655, which allows it to be used in existing aircraft and infrastructure. 

重点:一系列不同的生物质和原料类型可用于制造燃料和, because some commercial airlines have already successfully used it, a certain level of future use/demand is ensured.

可再生天然气是一种管道质量的天然气,与传统天然气完全可互换,因此可用于天然气汽车. RNG本质上是经过处理达到纯度标准的沼气(有机物分解的气态产物). 比如传统天然气, 可再生天然气可作为运输燃料,以压缩天然气(CNG)或液化天然气(LNG)的形式使用。. 

Point of interest: 除了 to the obvious benefit of reducing methane (greenhouse gas) emissions, the use of RNG can provide benefits in terms of fuel security, 经济收入或储蓄, and improvements in local air quality where the gasses are captured. i.e burning it does not improve air quality, capturing the gas from the biomass does.

可再生丙烷 is a fuel that can be made from a variety of feedstocks, 包括大豆油, 用过的食用油和动物油脂. 如今,最常见的可再生丙烷是用大豆油生产可再生柴油过程的副产品. 

重点:用于生产可再生丙烷的来源不仅是大多数人认为是废物的材料,还包括植物物质,如玉米. By 2050, renewable propane could meet half the world’s demand for propane, 根据世界液化石油气协会的数据.



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